Bishop Ronald Gilmore and Jacqueline Loh ( Founder ) don‘t just help you to conquer the Goliaths in your lives, they offer the tools that you need to slay your Giants. Grace that Reigns is a Catholic spiritual retreat ministry aimed at Renewing Your original Sense of Wonder. It finds wisdom in the knowledge that you are special, loved, and that you are God‘s Pearl of Great Price! www.GracethatReigns.com

Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
The Electric Eel Series at Grace that Reigns: An Interview with Sherry Weddell
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Hello Friends, Welcome to our summer series of the Electric Eel where we help you to renew your sense of wonder. Sometimes - Wonder begins with a shock!
In this podcast, Jacqueline Loh visits with Sherry Weddell and asks her to tell us more about her ministry. The St. Catherine of Siena Institute formed in 1997 with co-founders, Sherry Weddell and Fr. Michael Sweeney O.P ( A Dominican Priest. ) They have grown since then and are now a global ministry whose mission is to help equip lay disciples to be missionaries. The Called and Gifted - where Catholics discern their own charisms and learn how to incorporate them and use them for the sake of the world has been a popular discipleship guide, while the “Making Disciples” seminar also has been offered all over the world.
What we at Grace that Reigns offers the spiritual discernment, and tools and healing prayer needed to combat individual roadblocks in our own spiritual journeys and relationship with Christ. The St. Catherine of Siena Institute takes it further and answers the question, so... I'm ready to evangelize, what do I do next? Please visit www.Siena.org and www.GracethatReigns.com for more information.
Length: 42 minutes

Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Prayer: Three Dynamic Ways to pray
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Saturday Jul 04, 2020
Hello this is Jacqueline Loh, the founder of Grace that Reigns. Our ministry helps ordinary people to Renew their Sense of Wonder.
In this podcast, Bishop Gilmore and Jacqueline Loh share continue their discussion on the topic of Prayer and go deeper into the three dynamic ways to pray. They are contemplation, meditation and oral prayer. Bishop then explains the concept of Stop, Look, Listen and Jacqueline takes a more contemporary approach to the discussion. At the end of the segment, Bishop asks our listeners questions to reflect on their prayer lives. Please follow the chapter on Prayer from their book, When Monday Comes.

Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
Hello this is Jacqueline Loh from Grace that Reigns. Founder of Grace that Reigns. Our ministry helps ordinary people to Renew their Sense of Wonder.
Today in this podcast, we are Renewing Our Sense of Wonder for the Priesthood. In it, Jacqueline interviews Fr. Warren Stecklein from Garden City, Kansas. He is the pastor of St. Dominic's Parish and St. Stanislaus in Ingalls, Kansas. Fr. Warren has been a priest for almost 30 years. His 30th anniversary will be on June 9 2020. Please listen to this podcast as Fr. Warren gives his thoughts about his journey and vocation of the priesthood.

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
An interview with Guest, Rachel Wong from the Feminine Genius. Vancouver, Canada
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
This is Testimony Thursday!
Hi Friends, Time to find a comfy chair, and make some tea or coffee.
In this Podcast, Jacqueline interviews Rachel Wong. She is the founder of The Feminine Genius - a Catholic podcast in Vancouver, Canada that celebrates women of God and their unique genius. She's a young adult - and in this interview she describes her journey of ups and downs and eventual discernment in her life of faith.
“I think sometimes, as Catholic women, we can get painted into this stereotype and you think, ‘Oh, I’m not holy enough’ or ‘I don’t want to be this beautiful homemaker that just prays the rosary all day,’ ” said Wong. “It feels ridiculous to describe, but I think the stereotype is out there. There are a variety of ways for Catholic womanhood to manifest itself and we are out there.” Thus... the Feminine Genius Podcast.
Find out more about her ministry: https://www.rchlcwng.com/podcast

Sunday Mar 29, 2020
A powerful encounter with God at 14 year old that shaped Grace that Reigns
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
What we can see, touch and feel is our reality. But there is more to our reality that meets the eye. We also live in a world filled with invisible realities.
In this podcast, Jacqueline Loh, the Founder of Grace that Reigns Society shares with Bishop Ronald Gilmore about her initial experience of God's powerful intervention in her life at the age of 14 while she was attending the sacrament of confession; and how that one particular encounter lead to her creating Grace that Reigns many years later.

Friday Nov 01, 2019
The Mystery of Death - Part of our November Series
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Friday Nov 01, 2019
The Mystery of Death with Bishop Ronald Gilmore, (Chaplain of Grace that Reigns )
In this podcast, Bishop Gilmore offers a few thoughts on Death, Heaven, on Hell and on Purgatory.
He begins with this:
‘Some of you may not know that November has always been a month off sober and prayerful reflection in our Church: on the four last things, we used to way … on Death, on Heaven, on Hell, and on Purgatory.
But the ways and the manners of our time almost forbid our talking about that first one, about death. A monk in France wondered recently if we even had “the time to die” today.
Bishop then speaks about technology and how it overwhelms and at time overwhelms us, so that we are not thinking of the inevitable in November.
- “I don’t have time,” we say stubbornly; “you’ve had enough time,” Says God, wearily.
We don’t have time to die because we have never made real time to live … never made time for ourselves, never made time God. That’s why we are more than ready to miss the high point of this life.
Death is the most important act of earthly existence. But we start, and we cut, and we run when it comes close.