Bishop Ronald Gilmore and Jacqueline Loh ( Founder ) don‘t just help you to conquer the Goliaths in your lives, they offer the tools that you need to slay your Giants. Grace that Reigns is a Catholic spiritual retreat ministry aimed at Renewing Your original Sense of Wonder. It finds wisdom in the knowledge that you are special, loved, and that you are God‘s Pearl of Great Price! www.GracethatReigns.com

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Fall into the Light # 2: What does the Church say about Physical Healing?
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Fall into the Light #2: In this Podcast, Bishop Gilmore continues to give us a thorough understanding of what the church thinks of the topic of healing and most notably today; physical healing. This theological background comes at a time when we can never be too careful when we speak about healing, and provides a firm Catholic foundation from which this series will grow. Please visit our website: www.GracethatReigns.com Length: 20 minutes.

Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Fall Into the Light: Episode 1
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Friends, Welcome to the first Episode of our series: Fall into the Light.
In this first series, Bishop Ronald Gilmore and Jacqueline Loh discuss their first experience of the Healing ministry and then Bishop Gilmore discusses what the Catholic Spiritual Tradition says about "healing."
Please join us on our podcast channel @RenewingYourWonder https://renewingyourwonder.podbean.com
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdxw1W0dJhw_l34QTiKHnQ
Or on our website: www.GracethatReigns.com

Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Fall into the Light: A new Series of Hope and Healing
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
On November 4 2020, Join Jacqueline Loh for our new series called , " Fall Into the Light: Stories of Faith and Miracles at Grace that Reigns."
It is a privilege for me to be able to share with you, these wonderful testimonies from our friends. Join me at Grace that Reigns this fall and winter season as I take you on a journey of extraordinary stories of prayer, faith and miracles at Grace that Reigns. In the many years since I have been involved in prayer ministry, I has never really shared some of these stories. These testimonies focus on the ways through which God offers his Divine assistance in the ministry of healing. Listen to the stories of our special guests and let it bring you hope.
When will they be available? 2 times a month starting in November 2020 to April 2021. Dates will follow soon.
How can you listen to them? Here are three ways:
1) Subscribe to our Youtube channel.
2) Subscribe to our podcast channel @RenewingYourWonder
3) Go to the podcast page on our website at www.GracethatReigns.com
Be inspired, stay hopeful and May God Bless you

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Happy Hallowe'en with Fr Henry Hildebrandt
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Grace that Reigns' Hallowe'en Special involves Father Henry Hildebrandt. RIP 2016. One of his last stories to us was that of a mysterious drive on the way back from the East Coast. Narrated by Bishop Gilmore and Father Henry and produced by Jacqueline Loh, this story is about God's providence for a priest, on a dark and lonely night.

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
The Electric Eel Series - A Supernatural Experience: The Light in Germany
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Testimony: Light - Supernatural Experience in Germany
In this sharing, Jacqueline Loh shares a supernatural experience in a Cathedral in Freising, Germany where she encounters the same light that she had mysteriously witnessed as a child, while in confession.
This second encounter highlights the vocation and calling to the priesthood that later, helped form Grace that Reigns ministry of Renewing Your Wonder. In this podcast, we focus again on " light." The forward is by Bishop Ronald Gilmore.
17:50 minutes long

Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
22 Years to Grace that Reigns
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Hello Friends, this is the final episode of the Electric Eel Series. This time, Jacqueline Loh shares her story the founding of Grace that Reigns. She has never shared her entire story before. It's taken her 22 years to reach this point and it will take you just over 10 minutes to do the same.
Grace that Reigns is a blessed Ministry. We hope to be able to continue to serve you, as an authentic, humble, sincere, and down-to-earth ministry for the people. If you're looking for a ministry of healing and prayer with bells and whistles, we're not it.