Bishop Ronald Gilmore and Jacqueline Loh ( Founder ) don‘t just help you to conquer the Goliaths in your lives, they offer the tools that you need to slay your Giants. Grace that Reigns is a Catholic spiritual retreat ministry aimed at Renewing Your original Sense of Wonder. It finds wisdom in the knowledge that you are special, loved, and that you are God‘s Pearl of Great Price! www.GracethatReigns.com

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Fall into the Light: Episode 12 with special guest Bob Kelly - Part 2
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
This is Jacqueline Loh from Grace that Reigns. Welcome to Episode 12 of Fall into the Light.This is a series about faith, intercession, and the Wonder of God's supernatural healing grace in our lives.
Welcome to part 2 of a two part series with my special guest, Bob Kelly. In part 2, Bob shares his thoughts about his operation, how providence worked in his life, his subsequent healing, and the take away that he wanted to share about his experience of having cancer, and then his incredible healing soon after.
Bob lives life large. He has an awesome marriage to Annmarie, a big family, financial independence and many dreams ahead of him. He left home at seventeen years old and put himself through University, and by the time he was 25, he already had a PHD in English Literature. He joined Microsoft and what resulted from a two day internship, turned into a lifetime career that provided him with many more opportunities to achieve great success.... and yes, he took it by the horns.
In 2019, he was feeling out of sorts, and decided to let it be. But by 2020, in February, he knew that something was not right and in 2020, he received his diagnosis. Bib was suffering from cancer. Then what?
Bob shares his wisdom with the same depth and honesty that he shared in part 1. Come listen to what God did in his life.

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Fall into the Light: Episode 11 with special guest: Bob Kelly - Part 1
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
This is Jacqueline Loh from Grace that Reigns. Welcome to Episode 11 of Fall into the Light. This is the first of a two part series with my special guest, Bob Kelly.
A Story about Living Large, Cancer, Healing and a process of self discovery.
Bob lives life large. He has an awesome marriage to Annmarie, a big family, financial independence and many dreams ahead of him. He left home at seventeen years old and put himself through University, and by the time he was 25, he already had a PHD in English Literature.
He joined Microsoft and what resulted from a two day internship, turned into a lifetime career that provided him with many more opportunities to achieve great success.... and yes, he took it by the horns. Bob describes himself as having an "A" type personality and those who know him, believe it. In 2019, he was feeling out of sorts, and decided to let it be. But by 2020, in February, he knew that something was not right.
In August, Fr. Dominic Legge O.P asked me to help pray for his friend, Bob. Bob said, yes and that's when the Holy Spirit brought us together. Bob was diagnosed with cancer of the colon.
This is Bob's sharing of his 10 days or so previous to his operation, how providence worked in his life, his subsequent healing, and involvement with a prayer intercessor whom he didn't even know, and the lessons he learned as a result of releasing control.
Allow his sharing to inspire you as it did us.

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Fall into the Light : Episode 10 Testimony with special guest: Rosanna Thill- Part 2
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
In Divorce, there is strength and healing through the gift of forgiveness.
Welcome to part 2 of Rosanna Thill's sharing on forgiveness.
Last month, we listened to Rosanna's story of her divorce, and the almost palpable effects it had on her life, trying to protect two young children: twin boys, and on the dream that so many young girls, including herself had for a beautiful marriage and family life.
15 years later, Rosanna is a fierce triathlon competitor, a creative and successful career professional with two grown up boys now. Her faith is as strong as ever, as she reflects back on those days.
In this podcast, Rosanna speaks about the Divine Mercy and how that became a lifesaver for her, and how her understanding of Jesus' mercy, through the writings of St. Faustina helped to heal her life and give her the strength to forgive.
Rosanna concludes by saying, "forgiveness, even 15 years later is still an ongoing process. But when you make that choice, each and every day, it is worth it."
If you or anyone you know who has been shaken by divorce, we invite you to listen to Rosanna Thill's courageous sharing as she bravely and graciously invites you into her heart.

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Fall into the Light: Episode 9. Testimony with special guest: Rosanna Thill - Part 1
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Rosanna's Story is a story about forgiveness.
In the world of Disney, almost every young woman finds her prince. In reality, according to 2020 statistics, some 39 percent of marriages in the United States end in divorce.
Rosanna's Thill’s story is a touching sharing about love found, marriage and then love lost. In this two part series, she candidly shares with us, the story of her divorce, the effects it had on her, her desire to protect her little boys at all cost, and the healing that happened as a result of her decision to forgive herself, and most of all, to extend that forgiveness to her former husband.
Through St. Faustina's Divine Mercy; she finds strength, resilience, and an enormous amount of grace to keep choosing to forgive. When she does, it leads to her personal freedom.
Rosanna concludes by saying, "forgiveness, even 15 years later is still an ongoing process. But when you make that choice, each and every day, it is worth it!" Hurray Rosanna!
If you or anyone you know who has been shaken by divorce, we invite you to listen to Rosanna Thill’s courageous sharing as she bravely and most graciously invites you into her heart.
Thank you so much Rosanna Thill. You and your little family will be forever in our prayers. We invite you to keep her in yours.

Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
This is Jacqueline Loh from Grace that Reigns, welcome to our Spring Series called: Fall into the Light. Our mission is to help Renew Your Sense of Wonder for God’s love for you, through the charisms of healing and of words.
An estimated 20.4% (50.0 million) of U.S. adults live with chronic pain. What do you do when you find yourself in a season of life like that—a season of pain with no end in sight? God in His kindness has given us three expressions of His grace for us to face and deal with chronic pain. They are prayer, promises, ( His grace will sustain you ) and his people. ( fellow intercessors from church. )
Henry Kota is not new to the concept of pain. He grew up walking shoulder to shoulder with adversity, he has suffered from many varying afflictions such as his ongoing sobriety, a brain tumour that nearly killed him, and his painful neuralgia that brought him to his knees. The neuralgia led him to seek intercession and that is where we met him and his daughter, Rosanna in Phoenix, Arizona.
Henry receives a gift from the Lord. A gift of healing from his neuralgia that frees him from the heavy pain medication that he has taken. But this story does not end. Henry speaks about suffering in a way that gives us real hope. Through his experience of suffering, Henry offers us more than a glimpse of his strong faith and love for Jesus. He reminds us that we are NOT alone.
Please enjoy this very powerful testimony. If this or any of our podcasts at Fall into the Light resonates with you, please offer us your comments are sponsor our ministry. www.GracethatReigns.com

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Fall into the Light: Episode 7 Testimony with special guest: Lola Wilson
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
This is Jacqueline Loh from Grace that Reigns, welcome to our Spring Series called: Fall into the Light.
Our next guest is Lola Wilson from St. Dominic's parish in Garden City. Armed with a degree in Theology, she taught scripture for many years. She has always been interested in helping people to see the gospel come " alive " and help them to fall in love with the scriptures.
When she received two dramatic physical healings at our retreats, one for her back and the other for her foot, she knew without a doubt that God's grace was real, and even though she already knew about the Holy Spirit, her faith was renewed again.
Spoiler: Her description of God’s healing of her foot is the most visceral, that I have ever heard. This testimony will not only help you to think about God's "aliveness" in this world, but how you can ask him to help you. ( Length: 16 minutes )
If you have been enjoying our podcasts, please subscribe to our Podcast channel, and share. We are at www.GracethatReigns.com